VOSS 2016



Water plays an important role in the origin and chemical development of comets, asteroids, icy moons, and planets including our own Earth. It is also a necessary ingredient for life as we know it.  Recent space missions, remote sensing, and laboratory research have led to considerable growth in our understanding of the role of water in the solar system and in cosmochemistry.  Expert faculty will direct a comprehensive four-week course of lectures, presentations, and hands-on projects in the beautiful setting of the Papal villas outside Rome. It will be an unforgettable experience!

During the course of the school, students will also present a short paper on their research or the research of their home institution.
Field trips to visit sites of historical interest to astronomy will be included.
No formal course credits will be given, but certification of satisfactory completion of the course will be supplied.

List of the Faculty

Meenakshi Wadhwa (Chair),
Arizona State University, Tempe, Arizona, USA

Christopher Impey,
University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona, USA

Athena Coustenis,

LESIA, Paris Observatory at Meudon, France

Andrew Rivkin,
Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory, Maryland, USA

Jean-Bapstiste Kikwaya, SJ.,
Vatican Observatory

Guy Consolmagno, SJ. (Director),
Vatican Observatory

Robert J. Macke, SJ. (Dean),
Vatican Observatory



Guy Consolmagno, S.J. (Director)
Specola Vaticana
V-00120 Vatican City State - Rome, Italy
Tel.: +39 06 698.85266 FAX: +39 06.698.84671
e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

The Participants


Specola Vaticana
Vatican Observatory

00120 Stato Città del Vaticano
e.mail: staff@specola.va


Vatican Observatory Research Group

2017 E Lee St.
Tucson, AZ 85719