Black Holes, Gravitational Waves and Spacetime Singularities


Scientific Rationale
The recent detection of gravitational waves has opened a new window in our understanding of the Universe, and it has also excited new speculations on the true nature ofthe singularities that signal the breakdown of the classical description of the spacetime at the beginning of the universe and at the endpoint of gravitational collapse.

What are the current limits of modern scientific cosmology?

What are the real scientinic challenges that can be explored in the near future?

The main goal of this workshop is to encourage interaction among the participants, between theory and observation, and to provide a stimulating and thought provoking environment for new ideas.

Scientific Organizing Commitee

Vincenzo Antonuccio, Stefano Bellucci, Alfio Bonanno, Guy Consolmagno, SJ, Astrid Eichhorn, Gabriele Gionti, SJ, Chris Impey, Renata Kallosh, Carlo Rovelli, Fabio Scardigli, Joseph Silk, Daniel Sudarsky

Local Organizing Commitee

Vincenzo Antonuccio, Stefano Bellucci, Alfio Bonanno, Gabriele Gionti, SJ, Fabio Scardigli

Specola Vaticana
Vatican Observatory

00120 Stato Città del Vaticano


Vatican Observatory Research Group

2017 E Lee St.
Tucson, AZ 85719