Planetary Sciences
The work of the Planetary Sciences group at the Vatican Observatory is primarily centered on the nature of small bodies within our own solar system.
The conference organized by Gabor, “Search for Life Beyond the Solar System: Exoplanets, Biosignatures & Instruments” held in Tucson in March 17-21, 2014, brings together an interdisciplinary community to examine the interface of exoplanet observations, early and extreme forms of life on Earth, atmospheric biomarkers, and planet-finding telescopes.
Stellar Astronomy
The field of stellar astrophysics is the study of the origin, formation, evolution, and fate of stars and of the mechanisms (either nuclear, atmospheric, or exterior interactions with companions/other objects) by which they work and interact with their stellar environment.
In the past decade the Vatican Observatory staff has been involved in the field of galactic and extragalactic research through both the research itself and in the organization of conferences and schools. In 2000 and 2007, Funes and colleagues organized two international conferences on the formation and evolution of disk galaxies; the proceedings were published by the Astronomical Society of the Pacific Conferences Series.
The Vatican Observatory has been involved in cosmological research over the past 30 years through the theoretical work of Stoeger and his collaborators in South Africa and in Brazil. Most of that has centered on the standard isotropic and spatially homogeneous (Friedmann-Lemaître-Robertson-Walker (FLRW)) zeroth-order model.
Scientific conferences, seminars